Bihar Krishi Anudan Yojana 2025:Online Apply & Eligibility

The Bihar Krishi Anudan Yojana 2025 is the government scheme that has set focal on helping the farmers in Bihar state to support them financially in agricultural sector. In this scheme farmers can borrow up to an amount of ₹ 50000 at an interest rate of 7% per annum. It appears that the prime goal is to increase yields within the agricultural sector and increase food stability within the region.

It is most operational among small and marginal farmers, which makes up a relatively large chunk of Bihar’s farming populace. In order to achieve this, the program seeks to provide farmers with cheap credit facilities to buy improved seeds, fertilizers and other modern farm essentials. This is assumed to enhance crop productivity and the total income of farmers in the area of operation of the genetically modified seeds.

According to the scheme, by 2025, it intends to address 1 million farmers so as to offer them funds for enhancing their farming. The government is serious about this initiative and therefore, has earmarked ₹₹₹₹₹ 5,000 crore for the same.

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Bihar Agricultural Input Grant Scheme 2025 Overview

Here’s an overview table for the Bihar Agricultural Input Grant Scheme 2025:

Scheme NameBihar Agricultural Input Grant Scheme 2025
ObjectiveTo provide financial assistance to farmers for agricultural inputs
Loan AmountUp to ₹50,000
Interest Rate7% per annum
Target BeneficiariesSmall and marginal farmers
Budget Allocation₹5,000 crore
Beneficiaries in 20251 million farmers
Application ModeOnline and offline

Official Notice About Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Yojana

  • The direct benefit to Kharif crops, damaged owing to the flood caused by a rise in the water level of the Ganga and other rivers, in respect of Agriculture Input Subsidy Scheme, due to rain in September 2024, will be directly credited into farmers’ bank accounts.
  • Besides the above categories of 70 lakh farmer beneficiaries under Agriculture Input Subsidy Scheme, there is an online facility for application by flood affected farmers/farmer families whose crops have been damaged.
  • Payment of agricultural input subsidy at the rate for crop damage caused by flood.

Bihar Krishi Input Grant Scheme Online Apply Last Date

Post TypeGovernment Scheme/Government Scheme
Scheme NameBihar Agriculture Input Subsidy Scheme 2024
DepartmentsBihar Government Agriculture Department
How much amount is provided?200 crore amount 
For how many districts?In more than a dozen districts including Patna 
Official WebsiteClick Here
Benefits of Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Yojana
  • Rainfed (un-irrigated) crop areas: ₹8,500 per hectare.
  • Rs 17,000 per ha for the irrigated area.
  • Rs 22,500 per hectare for a perennial crop.
  • This subsidy will be payable only for up to two hectares per farmer.
  • This means that cash input subsidy is payable on all inputs used by the two categories of farmers, namely Rayat and non-Rayat.
Required Documents

Raiyat Peasants:

  1. Aadhaar Number
  2. Phone number (linked to Aadhaar)
  3. Bank account (linked to Aadhaar)
  4. Update Year 
  5. Self-Declaration Form
  6. Photo

Non-Rayat Peasants:

  1. Aadhaar Number
  2. Phone number (linked to Aadhaar)
  3. Bank account (linked to Aadhaar)
  4. Self-Declaration Form
  5. Photo
How to Apply for this scheme

To apply online for Bihar Agriculture Input Subsidy Form, first you have to visit the official portal of Agriculture Department of Bihar

  • After visiting the official portal, you will get a link to apply for Agriculture Input Subsidy-2024.
  • On which you have to click. Then after clicking on this, a new page will appear before you.
  • Here you have to enter your registration number and search.
  • Now, all the informations will be uploaded along with the main documents with that form submission.
  • After this, the agricultural input subsidy money will be transferred to the account you supply.

What is Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Yojana 2025

Bihar Krishi Input Anudan Yojana 2025 is a government scheme that provides financial help to farmers for buying agricultural inputs.

Eligibility under the Scheme

All the registered farmers of Bihar are eligible to apply provided they fulfill the conditions specified by the concerned government.

What Inputs are covered under the Scheme?

Seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. are some necessary agricultural inputs covered under this scheme.

How do people apply for assistance?

Applicants can access the facility through either the national government portal or by visiting their district agricultural offices where facilitation will be provided.

What is the highest value of support available under this package?

The government has set up different caps in different scales and types of inputs, which are defined.

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